Common Pharaoh Ant Infestation
How do you know if you have a pharaoh ant infestation?
- Huge trailing number of ants along surfaces.
- Largely seen around electrical equipment or power points.
- Can be found within food substances.
How does AlclearPestControl treat pharaoh ants?.
- Residual treatments are UNSUCCESSFUL.
- Special pharaoh ant baiting techniques.
- Special pharaoh ant baiting techniques.
- Formulated attractant bait with slow acting poison.
How successful are treatments?.
- Depending on size of area infested generally treatments are successful.
- If adjoining buildings are infested treatments may not work.
- If all buildings/areas are accessible and bait points can be laid treatments usually work.
Will pharaoh ants return?
- Only if all colonies haven't been located.
- If suitable bait/poison hasn't been used.